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Day 2

First Dart app

Create and run your first Dart console application. This will allow you to get familiar with the Dart syntax and how to write a simple console application using it.

Project - Greet User

Create a Dart console application that asks the user for their name and prints a greeting message to the console.

Hello <name>!

By the end of this day, you should have a basic understanding of the Dart syntax and how to write a simple console application using it.


  • To create new dart console application, you can use the dart create command. The default is always a console application.
dart create greet_user
  • To Get user input in Dart, you can use the stdin.readLineSync() function. For example:
import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  print("Enter anything:");
  String? input  = stdin.readLineSync();
  print("You entered: ${input}");


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